Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My Thoughts: The Death Penalty Continued

I've been conversing with people and doing a lot of thinking about the death penalty lately. I have not and will not change my mind about my previous blog. Nothing will ever sway my opinion. However, I believe that more crimes need to be categorized under the penalty of death.

Let me just say that I am not a violent person. I don't want to see anyone get hurt, but if you are the one doing the hurting, the gloves are off. You waive your right to be treated fairly. The point I'm trying to make, before I get into this, is that I don't love death and destruction. I'm passionate and logical. I would love for the world to be roses and butterflies and all of that shit, but it's not going to happen. So, the "people" who want to ruin life for everyone else need to be eliminated.

With that said, I believe that rapists and pedophiles need to be sentenced to death. These monsters are worse than murderers. They are the epitome of evil. When they are done, the victim has to try and go on with life. In the case of pedophiles, many of their victims are abused daily. That is worse than death. When you're dead, you're dead. No one can hurt you anymore. Your pain and suffering are over. Not these people. Their hell continues on forever more.

The laws in this country make me sick. These worthless sons of bitches barely get a slap on the wrist. Law makers should be ashamed of themselves.

I can't believe that there hasn't been some sort of uprising over this. Americans just don't care anymore. We've gotten extremely lazy. People say that they care about certain issues, yet do nothing about them. It's very sad.

I stand by what I said in the first Death Penalty post. This time around, I'm just adding rapists and pedophiles to the mix. I'm not going to sit here and beat a dead horse. If you aren't fully aware of what I'm referring to, read the original post.